Kay Bela Coaching & Counseling

 Li ve Whole. Love Well. Lead Adventurously.

Balance for Life

Empowering you with the mindset and skills you need to get from burned out to balanced, so you can lead a life filled with joy and energy.

"I know it will be one of the hardest things you'll ever do...
but it'll be worth it.

 -Your inner voice 
In completing this course, you will...

Bring your life into alignment with who you really are to find energy in your mind, body and all aspects of your life. Many of the issues we face stem from living out of alignment with our bodies and our true needs, desires, and selves. This course provides an opportunity to look at your life, area by area, evaluate it, and create your personalized plan for moving your life forward into alignment.

Learn to access and heal your “emotional brain” to address the root issues of problems and create changes that last. Oftentimes, we try to work through mental health issues by learning life hacks, thinking if we just learn a skill, we’ll change. However, oftentimes our emotional brain is playing the most significant role in our current habit. Find your root cause and you'll find your area of needed healing-- and be able to work through it from the source.

Gain ownership of yourself, your mind, and your decisions to gain confidence, trust and a sense of wholeness as you move through life. If you’re anything like the previous version of myself, we have a HUGE problem with people pleasing and/or a sense of obligation to take care of the needs of others. This can lead to us having very little knowledge of ourselves and our needs because we are used to ignoring them. It’s time to reclaim your relationship with yourself as you learn to love-- and listen-- to that person.


Find safety within your world, mind, and body to strengthen resilience and peace. Up to this point, we have developed our habits because we found a sense of safety in them, even if they’re maladaptive. Change pushes us out of this comfort zone for a time, until we find a new comfort zone in line with our authentic self. This can make us — and others— very uncomfortable and threaten to pull us back toward our old selves. Instead, we’ll help you find safety and support in this phase and know how to find it for yourself moving forward, so you can keep moving forward through any challenge.

It couldn't have come at a better time. Mentally, I was in a pretty bad spot and talking with you really helped dig me out.
~Brian, Kansas
What's included?
2 Individual Coaching Sessions
We work through what's coming up for you-- obstacles, joys, fears, avoidance, the unexpected, and any questions.

These sessions are to help you feel confident about where you're starting the course and where you'll go beyond the course.
Lifetime Access to
Course Membership Site
The online membership portal style allows you the freedom to make this course what YOU need it to be.

The course is broken down into short lessons that help you pace yourself according to your lifestyle and needs.

The content is designed so that you can circle back through or explore new lessons that are added as you dive deeper into each area of wellness for years to come.
Weekly Q&A Calls
with Kay and Community
In this course, you'll be part of one of the greatest assets to your growth: a built in community of people exploring the same growth as you.

These Q&A Calls will be a time to:
1. Ask questions
2. Share your goals, challenges, and wins
3. Share resources
4. Get to know other like-minded individuals
Email Support
Have questions in between sessions?

Email Kay for brief questions or additional resources to support your journey.
Live, In Person Course Option in Lancaster PA
This course may be offered live in Lancaster PA, if there is enough interest in this option.

If you would like to be added to the list of those who are interested in taking this course in person, please signify this in your application and interview.
Peer Connection in Membership Site
In addition to the Q&A Calls, I also encourage you to engage with others in the course through discussion boards and chat features in the course membership site.

This allows you to get more timely support from peers to improve your experience in the course.
What can be added?
Additional Individual Sessions
This course comes with 2 individual sessions, but you can also add more sessions to dive deeper or work through challenges that take more time and attention than the Q&A Calls allow.
Balance Academy Course Membership Site*
While Balance for Life may only be 10 weeks, you can discover lots of additional content in Balance Academy which includes Balance for Life, Nutrition for Life, Biz Booster, and Additional Individual Lessons added as Kay develops new content.

*Ask about CEU's or Continuing Education Credits
Weekly Q&A Calls
Beyond the Course
Following the end of this course, you can apply to continue the Weekly Q&A Calls with Kay and Community on a monthly subscription basis.

This allows you to connect with community for accountability on your progress, help you determine direction, and ask questions of Kay and the community.

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About the Creator

Professionally, today Kay is a Holistic Wellness Coach & Therapist with over 15 years cumulative experience as a mentor, teacher, coach, therapist and program coordinator supervisor at a non-profit.

In previous professional experiences, Kay took a life-changing gap year program to 11 countries over 11 months, doing humanitarian work. She then went on to teach 10th grade English for 2 years before returning to get her masters in counseling.

She gained experience in a behavior health hospital, private practice, and non-profit setting as a program coordinator and led a team of 8-10 staff and interns.

In these various positions she provided, supported and directed programs for individual counseling, wellness courses, mental health trainings, a suicide prevention coalition, support groups, advocacy (child, adult, family, and prison), as well as a peer relationship building program.

Personally, Kay has also walked her own journey to recover from family loss due to addiction, severe depression and anxiety, that led to burnout, persistent suicidal thoughts and attempts throughout her life.

She now shares her journey to deep healing, understanding, and joy with a passion for supporting others on their mental wellness journey.

Kay is also a plant-based vegan who loves to volunteer, travel, play soccer, hike, and organize events and activities for people to connect and build healthy community.

She is married to an incredible, outspoken Albanian immigrant husband who taught her much of what she learned about happiness, resilience, confidence, healthy communication, and love.

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Course Outline
Week 1: Orientation
Setting a Strong Foundation
As we start this course, we can sometimes feel intimated by what we are taking on in a new season. Am I prepared? Do I know what I just got myself into?

No worries, by the end of this module, you'll have a schedule that works for you and your needs. You'll learn about prioritizing the values that matter most to you and setting the stage for your transformation through this course.
Week 2: Mental Wellness
Cultivating Mental Resilience
When we are at war with our mind and feeling stuck in our own thought patterns, moving forward can feel like a drudge.

Learn to master your mindset and develop new neurological pathways so that you can handle any new challenge you face with ease, balance, fun, creativity, patience, and energy. 
Week 3: Relational Wellness
Building Solid Community
If we're struggling to find community or be honest in our relationships, it can lead to feeling depleted and lacking in true, authentic relationships. We'll review your current relationships and the health of your network.

Our goal is to create a community that is in line with your values and your vision so that you find safety, joy, and energy in your relationships. We'll cover how to have tough conversations, boundary setting and healthy communication. We'll also create a plan for growing your community so you have a solid support system surrounding you.
Week 4: Occupational Wellness
Creating Systems for Work/Life Stability
Whether you have a boss or work for yourself, we can often find ourselves overworking in today's hustle culture, leaving us feeling exhausted with no energy for the other areas of our lives.

We'll help you set boundaries to protect your work/life balance and give you time for what matters most. We'll also help you set up any systems needed as well as learn to delegate, prioritize, say no, recharge your passion for your work, and recruit support. With these practices in place, you'll feel calm, steady, and at ease about moving your work life forward.
Week 5: Financial Wellness
Finding Financial Security
Finances can often feel like they are dictating our path as we can find ourselves frequently saying, "I just can't do that, I don't have enough money." This powerlessness leaves us feeling chained to a paycheck and our current lifestyle, rather than feeling that we are the driver of our own lives.

Gain an understanding of your current financial state, where your money is going, create a budget, a plan and systems for addressing any financial goals (pay off debt, investing, vacation, time off, etc.). Aside from the practical skills, we'll explore your financial fears and mindset to make sure your mind is working with you toward your next level financial goals.
Module 6: Environmental Wellness
Organizing an Environment to Thrive
Sometimes our spaces are so cluttered that it can lead to increased anxiety and overwhelm and a feeling that we are squished and surrounded by stuff. I often notice how my physical space is reflective of my mental space. If I feel out of control, my house looks out of control.

In this module, we'll begin to create a space that works FOR you, not against you. Learn to decrease your overwhelm, prioritize, categorize, organize, and create a space that fits your goals and values. This allows you to become more productive, efficient and focused on what matters most to you.
Module 7: Spiritual Wellness
Centering your Spiritual Self
Spirituality is a beautiful part of our wellness. However, spirituality can often become mixed with cultural norms, expectations, pressures, and even our own mental distortions. It also requires us to take time to reflect and search inward which takes time and space that many of us believe we don't have. This can make it hard to find rejuvenation in our spiritual practice and instead it becomes something to avoid or ignore.

Whether you are connected to an organized religion or spiritual practice or have none, we will openly explore your spiritual goals, hangups and desires, so you can feel the most connected, rejuvenated whole, and centered through your practice. This will also help your spiritual practice become something you seek, instead of avoid.
Module 8: Nutritional Wellness
Strengthening your Connection to your Body
Loving our bodies is one of the toughest aspects of wellness for many of us. We are surrounded by movies and music where the response to emotion is to eat junk food or drink alcohol and caffeine-- taking us out of alignment with what our body truly needs. Many of us have also dealt with body image issues, bullying and judgment that leaves us hating-- or at least disliking-- our bodies.

During this week, you'll learn to tune into your body and what it needs most right now-- emotionally and physically as you create a loving, nurturing relationship with your body. We'll also discuss transitioning to healthier foods, identifying your personal best starting place and the challenges we face with this transition.
Module 9: Building a Strong Body
Unleashing the Power and Energy in your Body
Many of us also struggle to find the time, energy, and knowledge of even what to do for movement that feels healing, restorative and within the time that we need. If we don't enjoy moving our bodies on a regular basis, it's often because we haven't found a workout that increases and excites the energy and power in our bodies.

Sometimes even our bodies resist this awakening, but once it's awakened, it's hard not to crave the energy release, mental clarity and focus of a good workout. During this week, we'll help you unleash the beast within AND have it work for your lifestyle.
Module 10: Conclusion
Where do we go from here? As we draw this course to a close, it is not really a close but the end of your launch pad into this new life you're creating. It's time to take off!

Whether you continue with me through one of the other programs or services or transitioning elsewhere, we'll make sure you feel confident in your next steps for moving forward.
What are her clients saying?
“Kay was absolutely amazing. She challenged me to push myself to be the best I can be. She taught me grace and to love myself regardless of the setbacks and to not give up! I felt comfortable being open and honest with her and knew there was no judgment. I knew she genuinely cared and was cheering for me every step of the way!”
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“I went in with a lot of issues, more than I could count. Kay was able to hear me out on each of them and I could tell she was genuinely there with me to prioritize and help make progress toward my personal goals. I feel like I can actually breathe better now that I have a direction and plan of action! I’d recommend Coaching with Kay to anyone. This is the first week in a long time that I’ve felt like I wasn’t a fish out of water wishing for a lake.”
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Kay is a supportive and warm coach. She really gets to know the needs of her clients and tailors a specific program to each person.

New Jersey

We covered a lot of different areas, feeding into nutrition and how to deal with them. Also regular classes helped me feel accountable.
I'm celebrating that I've learned more about nutrition, my ability to resist unhealthy things and to be assertive/set boundaries.
The course includes very helpful tools, for nutrition, but also for some general self-care that can be applied to various areas of life. It was also motivating and positive.

New York

Your summaries at the end of our sessions helped me see the patterns of anxiety I was in. As we graduate, I am celebrating relaxing with my family and trying to be mentally present for them. You are very kind and patient. You connect well with others.


*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary. This disclaimer is to help you keep in mind that these results are not guaranteed or definite. Each person needs to apply the tools to his/her own life to lead a newly transformed life. My purpose is to walk you through this process with proven strategy and support.

Choose the best option for you
Balance for Life
per week for 10 weeks
Pay in full for $1200
(save $170)

Pause your payments and access at any time.
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Balance for Life In Person
per week for 10 weeks
Pay in full for $1300
(save $170)

Pause your payments and access at any time.
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Balance Academy
per week for 20 weeks
Pay in full for $3100
(save $240)

Pause your payments and access at any time.
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Lifetime Access to
Course Membership Site with...
Balance for Life
Balance for Life
Balance for Life
Nutrition for Life
Biz Booster
Additional Material

# of Individual Coaching Sessions
# of Weekly Q&A Calls
with Kay and Community
# of Weeks of Email Support
Course Offered Through
Video Recordings
Live & In-Person in Lancaster PA
Video Recordings
Hours of Content
Over 20 hours
Over 20 hours
Over 60 hours

Need individual support?

Designed around you and your goals, you can...

  • Prepare before taking a course
  • Go deeper into a specific area
  • Maintain your goals over time with accountability
Individual Sessions
Book weekly, biweekly, monthly or as needed to get continued support
per session

You'll Get:
Individual Session

Email Support

Need community connection and accountability?

This special time is a time you can...

  • Maintain your goals over time with accountability
  • Evaluate, discuss and maintain progress on goals
  • Ask questions about resources, challenges, etc.
  • Share wins, goals, highlights of your week
Weekly Q&A Calls
with Kay and Community
Get access to the weekly Q&A Calls when partnered with individual sessions or following the completion of a course package.
per month

You'll Get:
Individual Session

Email Support

Ready to dive in today?

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